Donate online or by mail!
Donations to Friends of Henderson Park will help pay for trail marking, educational signage, trail maintenance, new plants and trees, special events, and (very low!) admin costs. We are an affiliate of the Friends of Tucker Parks, Inc. (Federal ID # 82-1095594) which is a 501C-3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax deductible as allowed by state and federal guidelines. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation.
To donate online, click the donate button below. You will be sent to the Friends of Henderson Park PayPal page.
To donate by mail, make your check payable to Friends of Henderson Park and mail it to:
Mail to:
Friends of Tucker Parks, Inc.
c/o Suzanne Borchert
4898 Lavista Road
Tucker, GA 30084
Thank you, thank you, thank you.